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With shingle roofs being a popular choice for most US homes, asphalt shingles are a flexible and affordable option. When it comes to enhancing the security and durability of your roof, shingle roofing is a timeless and reliable solution.

At Go Green Roofing, we prioritize your safety and satisfaction. Our qualified technicians use only the best shingles, ensuring exceptional quality and performance. Our dedicated team handles everything from seamless installation to meticulous repairs and maintenance.

Affordable & Reliable Material

Asphalt shingles may not be the most exclusive or stylish option, especially when compared to materials like tile or shake panels. Still, shingle roofing is the number one choice among homeowners because it is cost-effective.

Luckily, in this case, cheaper doesn’t mean worse. Moreover, the average lifespan of a shingle roof is 15-20 years.

Three-Tab vs. Architectual Shingles

In most cases, homes have, as we call them, three-panel shingles. The design of this style is similar to brick. Interlaced shingles create an image that resembles a uniform design. This design is a common choice because shingles are cheaper and easier to install.

Although, if you are looking for a different aesthetic, architectural shingles might be a more suitable option. Smaller and more square shingles will add more complexity, texture, and character to your roof.

Shingle Products
We Use

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